Chrysalis Everywhere

An update as to where I'm at...There are now 6 chrysalis and 1 2nd instar caterpillar. I lost 2 more caterpillars 1 from a tachinid fly the other just died. If my observations are correct I have 3 Male chrysalis and 3 Female chrysalis. I guess I'll just have to wait till they hatch to know for sure.

Interesting Fact:
I have been noticing more monarchs in the past couple of days at the park. I know that this generation of monarchs are the ones that fly down to Mexico. I looked up and found that these next couple of days is when the migration passes through Blacksburg, Virginia. What's even neater is that my butterflies should be hatched and ready to go by the time the last of the migration passes through.
Find you Latitude and see when the monarchs will be passing through on their migration. And please be sure to give them a hand on their long journey by setting out a butterfly feeder.

(Blacksburg, VA is 37 degrees)

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